Dampak Aspek Emosional Konsumen terhadap Brand Loyalty

  • Delano A. Yonantha Sekolah Bisnis dan Ekonomi, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya
  • Rahardian Herdanto Sekolah Bisnis dan Ekonomi, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya
  • Agus W. Soehadi Sekolah Bisnis dan Ekonomi, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya
  • B. Realino Yudianto Sekolah Bisnis dan Ekonomi, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya
Keywords: premium Sneakers, emocional aspect, brand loyalty, millenials generation


The preferences of millennial generations for premium Sneakers products are increasing especially in major Asian cities. Previous research has shown that millenials are very concerned about how the others perceive to them. The consumed product is part of the attribute that can strengthen his/her identity. The proximity of identity itself and the product will increase consumer commitment to the brand. This research is aimed to find out how far the influence and linkage between emotional aspect (self-concept connection, brand love, and emotional attachment) to brand loyalty in the willingness and sense of consumer ownership toward the brand in premium Sneakers product. An empirical study was conducted to examine the conceptual model constructed in this study. The instrument used was adapted from the previous researcher, then purified through pilot testing, then testing the validity through face validity and expolatory factor analysis approach. The empirical studies found three emotional aspects that strengthen brand loyalty to premium Sneakers consumers. Brand love has the most significant impact on brand loyalty. The existence of shifting loyalty, consumers feel loyal to various brands. Loyalty shifts from being loyal to one brand, being loyal to the lifestyle of premium consumer Sneakers. Although the study population needs to be expanded, this finding helps brand managers formulate effective brand strategies to achieve long-term viability for the company.

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How to Cite
Yonantha, D., Herdanto, R., Soehadi, A., & Yudianto, B. (2017). Dampak Aspek Emosional Konsumen terhadap Brand Loyalty. Asian Journal of Entrepreneurship and Family Business, 1(1), 47-62. https://doi.org/10.21632/ajefb.1.1.47-62